Going TinyA cedar tiny house in Tennessee built by its owners. Posted bytiny house listings January 15, 2016 in Posted in tiny-house 7 Pages: 1 2
Wow! What an interesting layout! I love that the bed is raised but not a loft. Very lovely.
As simple designs go, this is easy to look at. My hope is the windows are well-flashed, especially when rolling down the interstate.
OK, what is the thing next to the toilet? And, what is it doing in a tinyhome? I also see the windows don’t look very well sealed on the outside!
I think it’s a washing machine.
I particularly like the split-level step-up into the bedroom; I’ve often thought about having a tiny house but was concerned about my dog, as he likes to sleep with me; ladders and precarious staircases would never work! This we could handle!
Is this TH for sale? How big is it ? & do you build for sale Also what is in the bath room w/ toilet?
A little on the dark side for me… but not bad!