I love your website. Always new, great ideas with great tiny homes constantly inproving. But my concern is , where are these homes able to park? Still a big problem in Pa. Great weekend place to have but parks seem to frown on it at say they only open for summer.I really appreciate any info on this matter. Many thanks for your time.
So much wasted space in such a tiny home. That loft above the window seat is just about as useless as the window seat itself. Those stairs? Anyone wider than Twiggy wouldn’t be able to navigate them in that weird configuration. Where’s the cooking surface? And all of the different textures, surfaces and colors? It’s all just a little too, “we bought everything on sale at Home Depot and just threw it all together without regard to how each color, texture or surface relate to each other.” And the “stone” on the exterior is just plain silly. Sorry to be so negative, but this is not a very liveable or well designed space.
How about a positive review? I like the raised floor with underfloor space and the roofline in the sleeping loft! That really helps me see what I’ve been thinking, one facade on one side and a different look on the other, love that! I like the bump out window but find that the built in couch always seems uncomfortable. I think just a nice couch would be great there. Thanks for the pictures! Everyone has something great to offer.
How much for the crosswinds .
Woo-hoo!!! An incinerating toilet! Now we’re talking!
Nice interior. Love the staircase. But still do not understand the american love of gluing stones on the outside of wood 😉
large fridge, dishwasher and no stove???
I love your website. Always new, great ideas with great tiny homes constantly inproving. But my concern is , where are these homes able to park? Still a big problem in Pa. Great weekend place to have but parks seem to frown on it at say they only open for summer.I really appreciate any info on this matter. Many thanks for your time.
Those stairs are so creative!
What did you use for flooring? I like it.
So much wasted space in such a tiny home. That loft above the window seat is just about as useless as the window seat itself. Those stairs? Anyone wider than Twiggy wouldn’t be able to navigate them in that weird configuration. Where’s the cooking surface? And all of the different textures, surfaces and colors? It’s all just a little too, “we bought everything on sale at Home Depot and just threw it all together without regard to how each color, texture or surface relate to each other.” And the “stone” on the exterior is just plain silly. Sorry to be so negative, but this is not a very liveable or well designed space.
How about a positive review? I like the raised floor with underfloor space and the roofline in the sleeping loft! That really helps me see what I’ve been thinking, one facade on one side and a different look on the other, love that! I like the bump out window but find that the built in couch always seems uncomfortable. I think just a nice couch would be great there. Thanks for the pictures! Everyone has something great to offer.