Full size fridge, stove, dishwasher, what appears to be a washer/dryer unit, and a proper sitting area with a well-placed TV? YES.
It also looks like every foot of space is being used to its full potential to hold something. Very smart use of space.
I dislike how some tiny houses have the couch facing the door or a window. And in some cases, it’s not a couch, but a wooden bench with a thin cushion on it. Does not look comfortable nor like you can cozy up and watch a movie ever. This house on the other hand, along with the Golden (http://tinyhouseswoon.com/golden/) are examples of some mighty fine living areas.
Every square inch looks absolutely planned and executed to do or hold something – wow. One doubt, though: how on earth can the owner cook without getting everything in that kitchen full of steam and/or oily steam? The drinking glasses sit almost on top of the burners and overhang cabinets are there, too. I COOK (because I love to, and because I have a big family) so the kitchen/stove is always a sticking point for me and it makes me wonder for the safety of it (four flame-throwing burners in a tight corner), how kitchen odors and moisture will be evacuated, then the clean-up. The pots and pans are on the wall, Julia Child-style, so I assume the owner cooks also.
Otherwise, I hope the owner is happy in their TH.
OK – – – Gr8! you set a record. 3 bdrms in 400sf. But when you have the need for this – – you automatically inherit CLUTTER. Just a bit claustrophobic for my taste. Nice that you utilize every square inch . . . but . . . Yikes. . . . Every Square Inch is full of something. I’ll agree that the siting area is quite nice. I’d like to see a layout – how it all fits together. I’m assuming that the “bedroom” located in the gooseneck is accessed from an exterior door . . . . ??? That’s fine – otherwise you’d have to go thru one to get to the other. I also don’t have a problem with the “bedrooms” being essentially sleeping nooks. I guess it’s all good – – but just too close and cluttered for me. Thx for posting and stirring conversation though.
You inherit clutter no matter where you live; some of these little houses show a lack of clutter by requiring the occupants to bag up all their stuff and toss it all in the tree line until the photographers leave. Otherwise, we just see empty shells and are told to imagine a sofa, and then imagine a toilet, and then imagine being happy. I do see what you mean by claustrophobic space, but I think this . FWIW, my daughter has a kitchen in her home that is almost this small, and, while I struggle with wondering how she can cook in such a small area, she says she does fine.
I actually agree that it would be nice to see schematic layouts to help visualize the house. That would be cool.
This house is pretty cool considering it all had to fit on a trailer. As a single dad I imagine which space I’d have and wbich space my teen daughter would have, so it’s nice to see a little house that doesn’t require me to sleep on a sofa. I really like this one.
Why do people always “knock” others designs? these people must be happy with their choices. So what if it’s not your cup of tea? the only thing I’m not crazy about is un- covered sockets. and no trim on some of the bedroom windows. other than that, it’s fine. Not everyone is a “clutter free” type of person, great for those that are, i like a lived in look—-that’s just me. Love the fact that these people too the step and built their own home………for those that complain……..get over yourselves…live and let live…love this place. well designed.
Like this house….real living area….real kitchen…3 bedrooms ( or 2 bedrooms and an office…or reduce to 2 bedrooms to increase size). Seems very livable. I would seal the outside wood. Most of the interior wood looks unfinished, too…don’t know about that. but overall, a house I could live in!
Great job! You really make the most of every square, just a couple of questions. What do you do about the wood vs climate? The moisture that the wood can absorb? Do you have a long term solution for that or is it like maintenance kind of thing? CHEERS!
Would love to get the plans to this TH. This is a great layout. Two things I would change. I would add the tiniest corner sink in 1/2 bath. Also, the bedroom with the weird overhang over the bed. I would square that out. I think it would make it less clostrphobic and maybe fit a full sized futon to use the space when you don’t have guests. But, other than that, I would build my own in a second. Please consider selling plans too.
Wowee! It’s all there! No small achievement, you should pardon the expression. Adore the living room. One little request, for any other videos you may do in the future: slower camera movement! Began to feel a little seasick! Otherwise, fantastic job .
This is by far my favorite house ! Wish they had post who built it and designed it , these people or person have emense talent !! hope they design and build more. I am just starting mine having trailer beefed up and new axles and tires put on. sincerely Deb Bushee in VT
Too much clutter inside and out. Revisit the origins of the Tiny House movement. Simplify, simplify. Taking all your worldly goods with you is too much. How many of those pots and pans do you really need? Where’s the formal dining room?
Makes almost as much sense as buying a house-mover dolly and dragging your existing home/life along with you EVERYWHERE. Where’s the escape?
Full size fridge, stove, dishwasher, what appears to be a washer/dryer unit, and a proper sitting area with a well-placed TV? YES.
It also looks like every foot of space is being used to its full potential to hold something. Very smart use of space.
I dislike how some tiny houses have the couch facing the door or a window. And in some cases, it’s not a couch, but a wooden bench with a thin cushion on it. Does not look comfortable nor like you can cozy up and watch a movie ever. This house on the other hand, along with the Golden (http://tinyhouseswoon.com/golden/) are examples of some mighty fine living areas.
Very nice and comfortable. But a small house, not a tiny house.
400 square feet fits the definition of Tiny House, unless you have changed the definition to suit yourself.
Maybe I’m not looking at the pictures properly, but…how do you stand at the stove with that overhang in front of it?
The wood, on the outside, should be treated. It is sucking up moisture.
Every square inch looks absolutely planned and executed to do or hold something – wow. One doubt, though: how on earth can the owner cook without getting everything in that kitchen full of steam and/or oily steam? The drinking glasses sit almost on top of the burners and overhang cabinets are there, too. I COOK (because I love to, and because I have a big family) so the kitchen/stove is always a sticking point for me and it makes me wonder for the safety of it (four flame-throwing burners in a tight corner), how kitchen odors and moisture will be evacuated, then the clean-up. The pots and pans are on the wall, Julia Child-style, so I assume the owner cooks also.
Otherwise, I hope the owner is happy in their TH.
OK – – – Gr8! you set a record. 3 bdrms in 400sf. But when you have the need for this – – you automatically inherit CLUTTER. Just a bit claustrophobic for my taste. Nice that you utilize every square inch . . . but . . . Yikes. . . . Every Square Inch is full of something. I’ll agree that the siting area is quite nice. I’d like to see a layout – how it all fits together. I’m assuming that the “bedroom” located in the gooseneck is accessed from an exterior door . . . . ??? That’s fine – otherwise you’d have to go thru one to get to the other. I also don’t have a problem with the “bedrooms” being essentially sleeping nooks. I guess it’s all good – – but just too close and cluttered for me. Thx for posting and stirring conversation though.
You inherit clutter no matter where you live; some of these little houses show a lack of clutter by requiring the occupants to bag up all their stuff and toss it all in the tree line until the photographers leave. Otherwise, we just see empty shells and are told to imagine a sofa, and then imagine a toilet, and then imagine being happy. I do see what you mean by claustrophobic space, but I think this . FWIW, my daughter has a kitchen in her home that is almost this small, and, while I struggle with wondering how she can cook in such a small area, she says she does fine.
I actually agree that it would be nice to see schematic layouts to help visualize the house. That would be cool.
This house is pretty cool considering it all had to fit on a trailer. As a single dad I imagine which space I’d have and wbich space my teen daughter would have, so it’s nice to see a little house that doesn’t require me to sleep on a sofa. I really like this one.
This house is listed for sale, on tiny houses, contacted the owners, they do not respond to emails.I agree with w/ the others comments.
Why do people always “knock” others designs? these people must be happy with their choices. So what if it’s not your cup of tea? the only thing I’m not crazy about is un- covered sockets. and no trim on some of the bedroom windows. other than that, it’s fine. Not everyone is a “clutter free” type of person, great for those that are, i like a lived in look—-that’s just me. Love the fact that these people too the step and built their own home………for those that complain……..get over yourselves…live and let live…love this place. well designed.
Like this house….real living area….real kitchen…3 bedrooms ( or 2 bedrooms and an office…or reduce to 2 bedrooms to increase size). Seems very livable. I would seal the outside wood. Most of the interior wood looks unfinished, too…don’t know about that. but overall, a house I could live in!
Great job! You really make the most of every square, just a couple of questions. What do you do about the wood vs climate? The moisture that the wood can absorb? Do you have a long term solution for that or is it like maintenance kind of thing? CHEERS!
Would love to get the plans to this TH. This is a great layout. Two things I would change. I would add the tiniest corner sink in 1/2 bath. Also, the bedroom with the weird overhang over the bed. I would square that out. I think it would make it less clostrphobic and maybe fit a full sized futon to use the space when you don’t have guests. But, other than that, I would build my own in a second. Please consider selling plans too.
Wowee! It’s all there! No small achievement, you should pardon the expression. Adore the living room. One little request, for any other videos you may do in the future: slower camera movement! Began to feel a little seasick! Otherwise, fantastic job .
This is by far my favorite house ! Wish they had post who built it and designed it , these people or person have emense talent !! hope they design and build more. I am just starting mine having trailer beefed up and new axles and tires put on. sincerely Deb Bushee in VT
Too much clutter inside and out. Revisit the origins of the Tiny House movement. Simplify, simplify. Taking all your worldly goods with you is too much. How many of those pots and pans do you really need? Where’s the formal dining room?
Makes almost as much sense as buying a house-mover dolly and dragging your existing home/life along with you EVERYWHERE. Where’s the escape?
Who is the builder of this Tiny House and is it still for sale?