I remember this show, episode 8 of the tiny house nation show. I didnt remember how cute the exterior was! love the 2 style siding, shingles on the top, clapboards(?) on the bottom. I love that look. love the dormers the full length of the house. why not? also love the way the show makes sure the trailer bottom is properly covered. it makes things look so much neater.
That pinboard in the corner converts into a learning/eating table if i remember right.Is that a serious sink or what? love the wine barrel tub/
only thing from that show was the set up for the two kids, a boy and a girl sharing one loft. its okay for now i guess, but they get in their teens I cant imagine it will be much fun for them. But that is a while away.
I wanted to thank you for inviting us into your home and the process. Fell absolutely in love with the idea and have shared it with family and friends. We’re all heading to Orlando to check them out in person since no one has seen them up close. We now have 5 family’s wanting to do this. Great job wishing you the best and keep us posted. Such a positive movement.
Just wondering what you used as the “skirting”. Just finished a small home for my sister that is off grade and this looks like a good solution to cover the underside of her house.
Wait why are they selling it? It kinda pisses me off that they got on the show, had all that help to build it, free help mind you, and now they are selling it? That is like people selling their homes after being on “Extreme Home makeover”. Given an opportunity that so many people don’t have to only sell it… I hope no one buys it. Its is like a slap in the face to all those working hard to make their tiny dream a reality. Such disappointment. Whatever the reason for selling, it tells me and everyone else, you did not think things through before building and moving in your tiny house.
They paid for their home. It wasn’t free. They just got some help with the design. I really dislike people that supply misinformation or think they know it all.
They just made a mistake. They aren’t intentionally disseminating false information. We all make mistakes. Let us just gently correct the error and move on without eviscerating someone for having expressed an opinion. Had this family really been selling the TH instead of their big house, then we know how this person would feel about it; and that’s okay, too.
Great house. LOVE the exterior look. I want an “Uncle Pat” too!
I love this little house, and WISH they were selling it, I’d buy it! so cute, I love the wine barrel tub.
(those who read their blog carefully will have seen they are selling their “big” house and can’t wait to live in their tiny full-time. he who did not read it carefully just threw up unnecessary negativity on the rest of us. yuck.)
I think I saw it under Tiny House Listings for buy, sell, rent. And a dialogue was that it was $28,000. I could be wrong….if I am I apologize and please delete this post. Thanks.
For crying out loud, a link to their blog is at the bottom of the articles which clearly shows they are NOT SELLING. The wife’s uncle was the general contractor, she wouldnt have sold it just like that. jeez, do better!
there is no mention of it being sold on their blog. They are moving it closer to their big house as the commute was too long for the husband. They have secured a spot in an event park for a year and ordered a new heater capable of keeping them warm in their very cold winters. 🙂
In all fairness, on Extreme Makeover, they’re building homes that cost a LOT of money to heat/cool/maintain. The property taxes alone could be massive. Sure, they don’t have rent to pay… but they’re also now doubling their monthly payments for operating a household. It’s the same reason a lot of lottery winners end up bankrupt – they begin living a lifestyle they don’t have the means to maintain. I can totally understand the need to sell if it’s the only major asset you have…
Just pointing out that that’s a different situation than downsizing to an affordable space 🙂
I live in St Louis Park, MN and love your house. Where did you find a place to park it? I would love to live in one but have no idea where I would be able to keep it. Nice job.
Things change so much for parents when their little kids turn into big kids
If people helped make a lovely home for this family when their kids were
Little I am sure that it made a huge difference
in their lives through some critical times. But it’s not surprising that they migh
Have to seek another solution when the kids were bigger- I hope
No one would begrudge them selling their home at that point and finding
A place that worked. Part of this movement is the concept of using only what you
Need- when you need it.
With love,
A mom with teens.
I love the exterior and the water barrel tub/shower. I also love the farm sink. I get how the loft access runs across, easy access to the kids but one thing that the adults should have is a privacy curtain on their end. Also, in the kitchen you have a dish rack on the wall. I would suggest cutting it back a little, remove metal spice rack to remove some bulk and run shelves all the way down to help eliminate your counter clutter giving you more space around your sink. Also, I would put some shelves behind the toilet for your necessities and towels which will remove clutter from your windows. Other than that, it’s beautiful and I love the loft access and storage ideas! Beautiful job
Oh, what a charming, well thought out home. <3 I visited their blog but it was too long for me to find out WHY they are selling their "Big House" and moving into a tiny mobile house. I get the downsizing (I think it was 1,900 sq.ft.) but I couldn't find out the rest of their story. Still, sweet place to call "Home."
Hello! Very sweet home. I’m looking for one myself but I live in CA (Oakland, Bay Area) I’m a little overwhelmed thinking that i need to find a plot of land as well but the tiny house living is for me and for my two little dogs.
I love the interior finishes… What kind of walls are those? I was under the impression that dry wall wasn’t good bc it would get damaged during moves too easily?
I went to visit my parents this past weekend and help them open their camper for the summer. Lo and behold there was your tiny house! I was a little star struck when I saw it. I have been watching your blog for some time and my husband and I would like to do something like this eventually. We would love to come and visit your house sometime. My parents are Bob and Carole and work in the front office during the summer.
We are planning to begin building our tiny home at the end of the summer and this is the one! Do you know who the manufacturer is? We’d love to get our hands on the plans!
How do they have any privacy from their kids? Husband and wife are suppose to have a healthy relationship in the bedroom as well. They should fin a way to close their sleeping area off if they plan to live their permanately. And be very discreet! 😉
That is a super-cute house! Great organizing ideas, too! If the Kasl family can do so much with such a small place, that gives me encouragement for my small room, lol! BTW, it’s their house, they can set it up however they want, keep it, sell it; it’s theirs. I say it’s adorable, efficient, lovely and now I feel like renovating my small space! Thanks for the inspiration! 😀
I remember this show, episode 8 of the tiny house nation show. I didnt remember how cute the exterior was! love the 2 style siding, shingles on the top, clapboards(?) on the bottom. I love that look. love the dormers the full length of the house. why not? also love the way the show makes sure the trailer bottom is properly covered. it makes things look so much neater.
That pinboard in the corner converts into a learning/eating table if i remember right.Is that a serious sink or what? love the wine barrel tub/
only thing from that show was the set up for the two kids, a boy and a girl sharing one loft. its okay for now i guess, but they get in their teens I cant imagine it will be much fun for them. But that is a while away.
When they get older mabe the tiny house could have tiny annex so they could have their own rooms eventually to be their own tiny houses. 🙂
I wanted to thank you for inviting us into your home and the process. Fell absolutely in love with the idea and have shared it with family and friends. We’re all heading to Orlando to check them out in person since no one has seen them up close. We now have 5 family’s wanting to do this. Great job wishing you the best and keep us posted. Such a positive movement.
Just wondering what you used as the “skirting”. Just finished a small home for my sister that is off grade and this looks like a good solution to cover the underside of her house.
I love this tiny house! It is the first one I have seen with a real life sink! I love the bathtub/shower too, very clever! Best to the family!
Lovely tiny house. Very well done and a pleasure to be able to have a good look. Thanks. 🙂
Love the dirty close hamper…
Wait why are they selling it? It kinda pisses me off that they got on the show, had all that help to build it, free help mind you, and now they are selling it? That is like people selling their homes after being on “Extreme Home makeover”. Given an opportunity that so many people don’t have to only sell it… I hope no one buys it. Its is like a slap in the face to all those working hard to make their tiny dream a reality. Such disappointment. Whatever the reason for selling, it tells me and everyone else, you did not think things through before building and moving in your tiny house.
According to her blog post on 9/17, they’re selling their big house and looking forward to moving into their tiny house permanently. http://matthew1525.blogspot.com/2014/09/say-cheese-goodbye-stuff.html
Where did you see that they are selling it? I don’t think that’s true…
They paid for their home. It wasn’t free. They just got some help with the design. I really dislike people that supply misinformation or think they know it all.
They just made a mistake. They aren’t intentionally disseminating false information. We all make mistakes. Let us just gently correct the error and move on without eviscerating someone for having expressed an opinion. Had this family really been selling the TH instead of their big house, then we know how this person would feel about it; and that’s okay, too.
Great house. LOVE the exterior look. I want an “Uncle Pat” too!
I love this little house, and WISH they were selling it, I’d buy it! so cute, I love the wine barrel tub.
(those who read their blog carefully will have seen they are selling their “big” house and can’t wait to live in their tiny full-time. he who did not read it carefully just threw up unnecessary negativity on the rest of us. yuck.)
They aren’t selling it. I think it was simply cross-posted on Tiny House Listings. Mom Kim has a blog about the house- http://matthew1525.blogspot.com/2014/09/tiny-house-for-family-of-four-yes.html?m=1
In all fairness you should gently reprimand Padraig also for getting so “pissed off” at the homeowners.
My comment was meant for Lisa E. Not sure how it ended up under Alex’
I think I saw it under Tiny House Listings for buy, sell, rent. And a dialogue was that it was $28,000. I could be wrong….if I am I apologize and please delete this post. Thanks.
For crying out loud, a link to their blog is at the bottom of the articles which clearly shows they are NOT SELLING. The wife’s uncle was the general contractor, she wouldnt have sold it just like that. jeez, do better!
SC relaxxxxx
there is no mention of it being sold on their blog. They are moving it closer to their big house as the commute was too long for the husband. They have secured a spot in an event park for a year and ordered a new heater capable of keeping them warm in their very cold winters. 🙂
In all fairness, on Extreme Makeover, they’re building homes that cost a LOT of money to heat/cool/maintain. The property taxes alone could be massive. Sure, they don’t have rent to pay… but they’re also now doubling their monthly payments for operating a household. It’s the same reason a lot of lottery winners end up bankrupt – they begin living a lifestyle they don’t have the means to maintain. I can totally understand the need to sell if it’s the only major asset you have…
Just pointing out that that’s a different situation than downsizing to an affordable space 🙂
If you watch the show it wasn’t free at all. All the people who participate pay. Most are at least $30,000 or above.
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for wrgniti!
love the bath tub/shower! where did they get it from??
The Tiny Kasl is NOT for sale!
It will remain the Tiny Kasl FOREVER!
*Thank you for the sweet comments!
This house has cute and efficient written allll over it.
I live in St Louis Park, MN and love your house. Where did you find a place to park it? I would love to live in one but have no idea where I would be able to keep it. Nice job.
Things change so much for parents when their little kids turn into big kids
If people helped make a lovely home for this family when their kids were
Little I am sure that it made a huge difference
in their lives through some critical times. But it’s not surprising that they migh
Have to seek another solution when the kids were bigger- I hope
No one would begrudge them selling their home at that point and finding
A place that worked. Part of this movement is the concept of using only what you
Need- when you need it.
With love,
A mom with teens.
I love the exterior and the water barrel tub/shower. I also love the farm sink. I get how the loft access runs across, easy access to the kids but one thing that the adults should have is a privacy curtain on their end. Also, in the kitchen you have a dish rack on the wall. I would suggest cutting it back a little, remove metal spice rack to remove some bulk and run shelves all the way down to help eliminate your counter clutter giving you more space around your sink. Also, I would put some shelves behind the toilet for your necessities and towels which will remove clutter from your windows. Other than that, it’s beautiful and I love the loft access and storage ideas! Beautiful job
I like the 2 lofts connecting too. Also the stairs instead of a ladder.
Oh, what a charming, well thought out home. <3 I visited their blog but it was too long for me to find out WHY they are selling their "Big House" and moving into a tiny mobile house. I get the downsizing (I think it was 1,900 sq.ft.) but I couldn't find out the rest of their story. Still, sweet place to call "Home."
Love how they did the shower layout and found the laundry drop basket genius. ;0) Also, the outside home design is very charming.
love this sweet little house and the decor! the workmanship is outstanding!
I would die.
Hello! Very sweet home. I’m looking for one myself but I live in CA (Oakland, Bay Area) I’m a little overwhelmed thinking that i need to find a plot of land as well but the tiny house living is for me and for my two little dogs.
I love the interior finishes… What kind of walls are those? I was under the impression that dry wall wasn’t good bc it would get damaged during moves too easily?
I went to visit my parents this past weekend and help them open their camper for the summer. Lo and behold there was your tiny house! I was a little star struck when I saw it. I have been watching your blog for some time and my husband and I would like to do something like this eventually. We would love to come and visit your house sometime. My parents are Bob and Carole and work in the front office during the summer.
We are planning to begin building our tiny home at the end of the summer and this is the one! Do you know who the manufacturer is? We’d love to get our hands on the plans!
How do they have any privacy from their kids? Husband and wife are suppose to have a healthy relationship in the bedroom as well. They should fin a way to close their sleeping area off if they plan to live their permanately. And be very discreet! 😉
That is a super-cute house! Great organizing ideas, too! If the Kasl family can do so much with such a small place, that gives me encouragement for my small room, lol! BTW, it’s their house, they can set it up however they want, keep it, sell it; it’s theirs. I say it’s adorable, efficient, lovely and now I feel like renovating my small space! Thanks for the inspiration! 😀
Love this sweet little house!!
YOUR tiny house, is very very well done. Congrats.
Las mejores planos de casas aqui encontraras lo que buscabas por todo internet!! Es tu solución !!