This is wonderful! 450 sq ft would still be relatively easy to heat and the layout and storage options are wonderful! Did I mention it’s absolutely adorable?
Hi Remy,
Thanks so much for your kind words 😉
We use one propane wall heater and our budget is $40/month. We always have some budget left ant the end of the year. The electric varies but we average around $60-$75/month because in ohio we are lucky to get 2 decent “no heat/no air” months a year. We run a dehumidifier in the winter and a window air conditioner in the summer. Otherwise we would be closer to $35/$40 per month.
Thanks so much and if you have any other questions, just let me know :>)
Hi V,
I agree but since you get a warm climate year round, your body acclimates to the temperature. Here, where we get 6 months of 75* and above and then 6 months of below freezing, you never get used to the warm or cold temps. We do use a fan as much as possible. You would need a very tiny wood stove in a Tiny or you would burn yourself out in the winter 😉
First, I really like the layout. Surprisingly open for a little house.
Second, thank you for having a little house that looks like a home instead of a fake-looking modern boring architectural magazine presentation. You know, with lots of neutrals, sleek-line everything, where everything had been placed used a measuring tape so it is PERFECTLY centered. So boring.
Third, there’s some great decorating ideas even if not putting together a little house. This house has love and humor and functionality.
But there are questions:
First, and my only concern, is how the stairwell works. Steps are funky in the turn-around/curve of staircase. Can it be visually clarified what is happening in the layout of the steps.
Second, I’m intrigued by what appears to be lots of doors on the outside, but are they all really functioning doors?
It would be nice to see a floor plan just to clarify how all the parts work together (but I guess that goes with any presentation of a house interior).
Thanks Linda Jo,
The steps look really tough to climb but if you read the stencil “It’s left up to you” ~ Start with your left foot, and you can walk straight up with no problems or weird stutter steps. Same coming down but you start with your right foot. We do it literally with our eyes closed now 😉
The doors ~ We use the door with the square flat porch as our main entrance. The one on the left of the big rock is out of the bath, That one is used to take out the compost and run to the studio. The front porch door is obvious what it’s used for ~ The door, on the other side of the blue recycling barrels, was going to be used as an entrance to a small kitchen that I never built. I was going to pull that door out and use it on the other side of the kitchen on a little porch. That may not happen 😉
Super funky, I love it! My husband and I are preparing to build our own, more like 300 sq ft and I’m drawing so much inspiration from your home. I am SICK of seeing modern tiny house after modern tiny house where it looks as though the owner has been a minimalist since birth. It’s nice to see a small house with a little “stuff” in it.
Hi Vanessa,
Thanks so much! I think I’ve seen you guys over on Facebook or another site where we were shared. We don’t believe in the staged homes that we are all used to. Those aren’t real life for other than a few that actually live in such a sterile environment. It’s your home and there should be no rules ~ whatever makes you happy to wake up in the morning, be it Diamonds on the ceiling or your rendition of Van Gogh’s Starry Night (which was our original plan and we may still do someday!) If I can answer any questions for you, email me at I have plenty of blood, sweat, and tears story for you and can maybe help save you from some of your own, LOL! 😉
There is no way I could live like that. One major obstacle for me to living in a smaller space is easily feeling like things are messy or cluttered. The decor and accessories in this home are too frenetic and numerous for my taste. Not a good advertisement for their homes. There’s a reason why real estate agents advise people selling their homes to paint whites and neutral colors, it looks like more space and the buyer can more readily see themselves (and their things) in the space.
It seems obvious they designed and decorated to suit their tastes not the real estate market, If they ever want to move out, they can easily neutralize the color palette and contents.
The neat thing about tiny houses is you can afford to customize so your house suits you. Create a whole different feel by enclosing your storage. Choose a few decorative pieces and swap them every so often and you’ll be less overwhelmed without having to actually get rid of collectibles. Carefully chosen and/or custom furniture in the right layout will also make a big difference to how calm or cluttered the space feels.
It was a sad day when people started treating their dwellings as assets instead of homes. Bland, neutral marketing-approved furnishings belong in brochures for timeshares, not human habitations.
This welcoming little house announces its personality at first sight, so a “staged” interior with black particleboard and taupe walls would be a cruel disappointment, like a Ken Burns film turning out to be a profile of Kim Kardashian.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the owners’ ability to sell their home if they choose to. There are plenty of people who don’t want to live in a place that looks like a Hampton Court.
I agree, this is a great use of space and resources, why, if it’s not your thing are you looking, let alone commenting, everything about this house is an inspiration, LOVE IT!!!!
Thanks so much Kathy! Couldn’t agree more yet Art has a point “IF” we were selling. You gotta bland down a bit for that because most people can;t see past color or decor. I’ve made a lot of great buys just for that reason though so I say, go ahead and let folks be scared of color. I can simply paint something and make it far more valuable 😉
Cheers, Ron
Every house does not have to be according to your tastes. This home shows creativity, warmth, and love. There is room in this world for everyone to express themselves through their abodes. Maybe being able to appreciate differences might help you become less apt to criticize them.
Hi Art,
As many here have already said, our home is not for sale at the present. We were added onto the blog here without notification but that’s fine. If we were going to sell though, we would “de-personalize” it because we know our taste is not for everyone. We are both artists and thrive on color and stimulation. Without it, we find our senses bored. Much of this “collection” is passed down from family members so to us, it has more meaning than simply clutter, but I do get what you are saying.
Thanks, Ron
In the photo of the bathroom there is a red and white container underneath the sink with the letters ‘if” on it. Can you tell me what company that logo is from and what sort of container it is? I’d like to see if I can find one on ebay.
Hi ML,
It was a metal bucket that laundry detergent came on from the “IF” company. I have seen them in better shape than ours on ebay. We got ours at a local farm auction.
Thanks, Ron
Are you willing to share the floor plan for this adorable cottage? I have been looking at tiny homes on trailers but the narrowness is not as appealing at this small open plan… Great job! and can you estimate the cost of this home… DYI AND with help? Would love to chat about it!
Thank you,
I’m very interested too in blue prints???? I love how its deco’ed! I don’t care for narrow/wheeled either. This homey, cottage-y feel is definitely suiting me just fine!
Hi Rebecca and thank you for the kind words,
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I agree that the tiny homes on wheels are not all that permanent feeling. We don’t blog about them and only discuss homes under 1000 SF that are on some kind of permanent foundation.
Happy to talk contact me directly from the blog and we can set something up 😉
Hey Meg!
Great call and I think you are the first to notice ;)))
My wife Sue handmade that. It’s even double sided with different pictures!
Thanks Brad! Our feelings exactly and that’s what our blog is all about. No homes on wheels for us ~ not that we judge those folks. It just doesn’t feel like a sustainable and permanent lifestyle for most. I don’t think we will change the world in well built mobile homes 😉
As an aspiring tiny house builder, i’d love to hear more about how your house was made and hear any advice you would have for someone interested in doing exactly what you did. Would you be willing to chat about your experience and plans with how this house was built?
Hey Tyler,
Thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
It’s built & designed around the materials I gathered first. Much more economical that way. Far cheaper than desiging a home with 3′ x 4′ windows and then finding out they are 4 times your budget. I have a post and video at about gathering before you build. Contact me directly through the blog if you want to chat. Always happy to “small talk” , LOL!
Thanks !
Some days I agree with you Wendy. Other days though I love living amongst our family heirlooms. Every piece we have tells a story to us but we know it’s way too much for many folks 😉
This is the best tiny house I’ve ever seen! And I’ve looked at a ton of them. I love how they’ve managed to integrate their love of collecting vintage memorabilia into the tiny space. If I ever build my dream tiny house, I want it to be much like this one.
Ahhh Sarah,
That’s so nice. Thanks you so much. We know our home decor is not for everyone, but we love it and that’s what counts the most. Always great to hear someone else has the same feelings 😉
I need more kitchen space. I love the idea of the small houses and I’d actually love to build and live in one but I’d need to have a larger kitchen. And kids…with two kids it would be pretty difficult to be that cramped.
Hi Chad,
I agree, with 2 kids it would be more than cramped. It will be interesting to see all the folks living in the movement tiny trailers do with kids as they grow. We don’t feel “micro” is sustainable for most folks. Has to do with where you live too. If it’s a warm climate, being outside all the time helps. That’s not the case here in Ohio.
Although it would be difficult to cook a Thanksgiving dinner here and serve everything warm, it’s amazing what Sue can cook on a 2′ counter top! Like everything else, you work around what you have and devise new ways.
That said, I am a firm believer that you can still live small but design into your needs. If you are a gourmet cook, it may be more important to have a larger kitchen and a smaller living space. We are both artists and have about a 140SF studio building not attached to our house. Electric and a small plug in heater but no water in it but it serves its’ purpose.
Watch our blog for more posts on “Designing Tiny to to Your Needs”
Hi Cristina,
We know it’s not for everyone and that’s fine. We could def pare down what we have and that’s ongoing but we also don’t like stark white spaces. Just personal preference and no one’s right or wrong 😉 Glad you could see beyond though and appreciate the floor plan 😉
I love the whole tiny house concept but am restricted by local codes. I also am not interested in the 100 sq ft house with 2 children and a wife. This is a great start while i build other structures around something to tie in later to meet local codes. Great layout.
I agree Rick,
I was really lucky that we have no building codes way put here in the country. Even though I have been building and remodeling for decades, sometimes the codes are nuts. Of course everything is still built like a rock to national codes but without size restrictions, I was lucky. I would say if you got up to around 800SF, you could have a nice kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Wasn’t that long ago, kids seemed to always bunk together and it didn’t cause problems 😉
Thanks Pamela,
That cottagey look credits mostly to my wife bu I like it too. I would simplify even a little more though but still have color 😉
I could pick out a hundred little things I like about your little house, overall…..I LOVE IT!!!!! I would love to see the house plans layout. This is the cutest ever. Thanks for sharing it. Sandra
Ahhh Sandra,
How nice! and thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom 😉
Thanks !
Hi Suzanne,
Ohh, you noticed those 🙂 Those are Sue’s. She’s always loved Mary as an iconic figure to woman more than a religious piece and has a few collected and displays them all together. Nice and calming visage.
Really enjoy the glimpse into their cozy place. As I probably will not ever live in a tiny house full time we will more than likely continue to live in a much smaller than average home. This has some fun and good ideas, along with ideas that I can make my own.
Thanks again for the peep… is a special place for sure
Hi Village Kid!
Thanks for the kind words. I agree. Unlike many of the younger folks, proselytizing about the joys of living in a 200SF camper (which we did for 6 years!), living really small is not for everyone and it will hardly change the world. We blog about living in 1000SF or less which is still really small by USA standards. We each decide for ourselves what works for us and how much we want to spend to own rooms we never use. No one is right or wrong in the size of their house and making it a home is what’s important.
I absolutely love this. I could move right in and be very happy! You did a great job creating this space for yourselves. It reminds me of the little house in “Up”…. All that’s missing are the balloons out the chimney!
I admire your energy and I love the bright decor! It does seem a lot larger than 450 sq ft and you seem to have all the necessities. My husband and I have lived in a 400 sq ft cabin for one year, six months, and 22 days. It’s like living in a motel room. We are in the process of building, but it can’t be soon enough for me. Although, I must say, small living can make you realize all the things you can do without. All my nice things are stored in the attic of the barn, but so far I’ve done without them and survived quite nicely.
I love the fact that your home is welcoming, cheerful and reflection of your life. Well done!
Hi Pipeman 1,
Honestly, we would have a larger kitchen and always planned on that, but life and choices get in the way. I think 600SF with the right layout would be doable for a couple. Small is all relative and no on is right or wrong. If you live in a box on the street, 400SF would seem a mansion but if you are downsizing from a 2500sf home into a 1000SF apartment, it may not seem very large. Love that living small for a while has made you aware of what may or may not be important for you. That’s the best we can do is become aware that an enjoyable life is not about how many possessions we can accumulate but what we do have means something more 🙂
I live in OHIO too.. and would love to live in this house!! Now, where exactly do they let you have this home? As they years grow closer to retirement, I certainly would love a Tiny house. Like others, I would love to see the floor plan. I like how open it looks because of the taller ceilings. Great job!
Hi Adele,
We live in central Ohio, way out in Amish country. We have no local codes here so it is much easier to build something unique. If you would like to visit sometime in warmer weather, email me directly here or through the blog.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom 😉
Thanks !
I absolutely LOVE this house–every inch of it! If you ever decide to sell it, please contact me as I want to be first in line to buy. Barring a sale, it would be awesome if you could make the floor plans available. This just POPS with color, joie de vivre and personality!
Ahhh, thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom! We talk about selling and moving to a warmer place all the time but never do. We may look at renting it out for a month at a time so folks can get a feel for the reality of living small in a cool place 😉 Contact me if you would like to stop by sometime.
Thanks !
Hi Patty,
Smiling is the nicest compliment anyone can pay. Thank you so much. You made my day!
The pics may be a little deceiving, but everyone who has stopped by and seen the cottage first hand says it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. That’s good and what I designed for 😉 Open as possible and lots of sun.
When I say I want to live in a tiny or small house, THIS is what I’m talking about!!! This place is insanely cute and has so much personality shining through. Great job!!
Thanks Jessica,
Love hearing such a glowing review! It is truly nothing if not filled with personality. Not for everyone but who among us is? 😉
Cheers, Ron
Thanks Gail,
We may rent put by the month down the road so stay in touch. Would give folks a great feel for what living tiny with some ZAZZ is like, LOL!
I am an empty nester and ready to downsize. I have fallen in love with tiny houses. After being a flight attendant for 12 years, I miss living in a hotel room. Your home is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. If you have an open house, I would love to visit. If you do rent out in the future, would love the idea. Have even thought about doing something like this along the Ohio.
The first words out of my mouth after seeing laying eyes on the first picture of the lot: “What kind of Heaven is this?”
Simply amazing.
Everything, from the colour, to the creativity used I designing the spaces, the chaos and clutter of a house that caters to the needs of everyday living, even the cat lounging there – this was absolutely captivating.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Someday, I’d love to live in a house with even a fraction of the life inherent in this abode
Ahhh Xaris, Thank you so much!!! Our house is filled with not only what we need and use everyday but things we love which make it a home 😉
Thanks, Ron
WOW! I must confess that it “feels” (in that virtual sorta way!) just a little bit cluttered for my personal taste in some spots, but you didn’t build it for me, now, did you? 🙂 But more important, as I was looking at the pics – more than once! – I was flooded with an overwhelming sense that you guys are just really fun people, full of personality and life, and you have the perfect house that exudes the same fun personality as I’m sure both of you do! It definitely looks like a “happy house” – almost like the home is smiling! I love your sense of whimsy, along with your ingenious sense of creativity in packing a lot of luxuries into your tiny mansion. If I were to actually *live* there, of course, the first thing I would do is clear out the clutter, so I wouldn’t feel claustrophic LOL. But on the other hand, I could enjoy *visiting* there for hours or days and feel like I had overdosed on happy pills – likely from the pleasure of your company as well as the smile-inducing ambiance of the house. Kudos to you both for a job well done. I hope you’re enjoying your space … and life! And thanks so much for sharing these pics! 🙂
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much! We may have an open house this summer but if you are ever coning through central Ohio, stop by! Email me at and we can set something up. We will need a couple days lead time so we can spruce the place up a little, LOL!
Cheers, Ron
This is the first tiny home I’ve seen that contained belongings and had personality. I love it! My goal is to have my own tiny home within e years. I’ll be using this post to convince my husband that belongings do fit. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Sabrina,
Sorry for the late response but it’s SO hard to keep up over all the “internets”, LOL! Thank you so much for the kind words. We really wanted to show true tiny living without staged photos in a sterile environment. We also want a bedroom to stand up in and real stairs instead of a ladder. We still love our house 🙂 If we can help in any way with advice on living small, let me know.
Cheers, Ron
I’m in love with this adorable little house!! Both the space as well as all the colours the interiour has!! Love the stairs!
The only thing I would change about it if I were to build one like this (and I hope to do so once I’ve found a good place to put it on 🙂 ) I would put a nice open fireplace in it. I noticed there is some sort of place created for it? Where there hangs a white heater I think? It sure would make the place even cozier! (Apologies if my sentences dont always make sense, english is not my native language :’) )
The kitchen is just the right size and immediately connected to the parlor outside which is ideal for the summer and BBQ’s with friends!
Hi Kit!
Thanks so much. Only problem with a fireplace in a tiny is wood storage and the ability to make it so hot inside, you need to open windows in the middle of winter. Cost for a full fireplace is expensive too unless you do it yourself. Without experience though, it may not be the best idea to lay up tons of stone, 20 feet tall on your first attempt! That said, we would love to have a real fireplace 😉
We don’t eat meat but grilled veg rocks on the back porch!!!
Cheers, Ron
This is just gorgeous. When I first did a ‘walk through’ i thought “I bet one of you is an artist”. Then I read your comments and you both are. I love what you have done and kudos for doing it mostly yourselves with a little bit of help from your friends when needed. I hope you have many happy days/months/years here.
Nerida ~ thank you so much for the kind words! Our taste is certainly not for everyone and they let us know, but it’s lovely to hear from another person who gets us. Bland and boring environments scare us to death, LOL! That said, we have parred down even more but I miss many of our bric-bracs. Now we rotate fewer out though so it makes them even more special.
This is wonderful! 450 sq ft would still be relatively easy to heat and the layout and storage options are wonderful! Did I mention it’s absolutely adorable?
Hi Remy,
Thanks so much for your kind words 😉
We use one propane wall heater and our budget is $40/month. We always have some budget left ant the end of the year. The electric varies but we average around $60-$75/month because in ohio we are lucky to get 2 decent “no heat/no air” months a year. We run a dehumidifier in the winter and a window air conditioner in the summer. Otherwise we would be closer to $35/$40 per month.
Thanks so much and if you have any other questions, just let me know :>)
I live in W.Africa, 5 deg off the equator, we only run a fan and do fine, you could cut your bills down with fans and a wood stove…
Hi V,
I agree but since you get a warm climate year round, your body acclimates to the temperature. Here, where we get 6 months of 75* and above and then 6 months of below freezing, you never get used to the warm or cold temps. We do use a fan as much as possible. You would need a very tiny wood stove in a Tiny or you would burn yourself out in the winter 😉
First, I really like the layout. Surprisingly open for a little house.
Second, thank you for having a little house that looks like a home instead of a fake-looking modern boring architectural magazine presentation. You know, with lots of neutrals, sleek-line everything, where everything had been placed used a measuring tape so it is PERFECTLY centered. So boring.
Third, there’s some great decorating ideas even if not putting together a little house. This house has love and humor and functionality.
But there are questions:
First, and my only concern, is how the stairwell works. Steps are funky in the turn-around/curve of staircase. Can it be visually clarified what is happening in the layout of the steps.
Second, I’m intrigued by what appears to be lots of doors on the outside, but are they all really functioning doors?
It would be nice to see a floor plan just to clarify how all the parts work together (but I guess that goes with any presentation of a house interior).
Thanks Linda Jo,
The steps look really tough to climb but if you read the stencil “It’s left up to you” ~ Start with your left foot, and you can walk straight up with no problems or weird stutter steps. Same coming down but you start with your right foot. We do it literally with our eyes closed now 😉
The doors ~ We use the door with the square flat porch as our main entrance. The one on the left of the big rock is out of the bath, That one is used to take out the compost and run to the studio. The front porch door is obvious what it’s used for ~ The door, on the other side of the blue recycling barrels, was going to be used as an entrance to a small kitchen that I never built. I was going to pull that door out and use it on the other side of the kitchen on a little porch. That may not happen 😉
You can see a floor plan here
Thanks !
I would like to know where could I buy a house like this one!
Thank you
Hi Gisela,
I am in Ohio but happy to talk with you wherever you are.
Thanks, Ron
Super funky, I love it! My husband and I are preparing to build our own, more like 300 sq ft and I’m drawing so much inspiration from your home. I am SICK of seeing modern tiny house after modern tiny house where it looks as though the owner has been a minimalist since birth. It’s nice to see a small house with a little “stuff” in it.
Hi Vanessa,
Thanks so much! I think I’ve seen you guys over on Facebook or another site where we were shared. We don’t believe in the staged homes that we are all used to. Those aren’t real life for other than a few that actually live in such a sterile environment. It’s your home and there should be no rules ~ whatever makes you happy to wake up in the morning, be it Diamonds on the ceiling or your rendition of Van Gogh’s Starry Night (which was our original plan and we may still do someday!) If I can answer any questions for you, email me at I have plenty of blood, sweat, and tears story for you and can maybe help save you from some of your own, LOL! 😉
There is no way I could live like that. One major obstacle for me to living in a smaller space is easily feeling like things are messy or cluttered. The decor and accessories in this home are too frenetic and numerous for my taste. Not a good advertisement for their homes. There’s a reason why real estate agents advise people selling their homes to paint whites and neutral colors, it looks like more space and the buyer can more readily see themselves (and their things) in the space.
It seems obvious they designed and decorated to suit their tastes not the real estate market, If they ever want to move out, they can easily neutralize the color palette and contents.
The neat thing about tiny houses is you can afford to customize so your house suits you. Create a whole different feel by enclosing your storage. Choose a few decorative pieces and swap them every so often and you’ll be less overwhelmed without having to actually get rid of collectibles. Carefully chosen and/or custom furniture in the right layout will also make a big difference to how calm or cluttered the space feels.
It was a sad day when people started treating their dwellings as assets instead of homes. Bland, neutral marketing-approved furnishings belong in brochures for timeshares, not human habitations.
This welcoming little house announces its personality at first sight, so a “staged” interior with black particleboard and taupe walls would be a cruel disappointment, like a Ken Burns film turning out to be a profile of Kim Kardashian.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the owners’ ability to sell their home if they choose to. There are plenty of people who don’t want to live in a place that looks like a Hampton Court.
I agree, this is a great use of space and resources, why, if it’s not your thing are you looking, let alone commenting, everything about this house is an inspiration, LOVE IT!!!!
Thanks so much Kathy! Couldn’t agree more yet Art has a point “IF” we were selling. You gotta bland down a bit for that because most people can;t see past color or decor. I’ve made a lot of great buys just for that reason though so I say, go ahead and let folks be scared of color. I can simply paint something and make it far more valuable 😉
Cheers, Ron
Thanks for your nice comments MP. You hit it on the head, or our head, LOL!
Cheers! Ron
Every house does not have to be according to your tastes. This home shows creativity, warmth, and love. There is room in this world for everyone to express themselves through their abodes. Maybe being able to appreciate differences might help you become less apt to criticize them.
Thanks so much JMC!
I wasn’t aware that the owners of this adorable cottage were trying to sell it, Art. Where here does it state that?
And please let us know why we should care whether or not you yourself would want to live there?
I think it’s fantastic. All of it.
You rocked it right on the head FredInMaine.
Thanks! Ron
Hi Art,
As many here have already said, our home is not for sale at the present. We were added onto the blog here without notification but that’s fine. If we were going to sell though, we would “de-personalize” it because we know our taste is not for everyone. We are both artists and thrive on color and stimulation. Without it, we find our senses bored. Much of this “collection” is passed down from family members so to us, it has more meaning than simply clutter, but I do get what you are saying.
Thanks, Ron
Great little house!
Thanks you Carol!
I absolutely love this!! Amazing job. Do you have a design or drawings available?
Hi Diana and thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
Thanks !
In the photo of the bathroom there is a red and white container underneath the sink with the letters ‘if” on it. Can you tell me what company that logo is from and what sort of container it is? I’d like to see if I can find one on ebay.
Hi ML,
It was a metal bucket that laundry detergent came on from the “IF” company. I have seen them in better shape than ours on ebay. We got ours at a local farm auction.
Thanks, Ron
Are you willing to share the floor plan for this adorable cottage? I have been looking at tiny homes on trailers but the narrowness is not as appealing at this small open plan… Great job! and can you estimate the cost of this home… DYI AND with help? Would love to chat about it!
Thank you,
I’m very interested too in blue prints???? I love how its deco’ed! I don’t care for narrow/wheeled either. This homey, cottage-y feel is definitely suiting me just fine!
Hi Rebecca and thank you for the kind words,
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I agree that the tiny homes on wheels are not all that permanent feeling. We don’t blog about them and only discuss homes under 1000 SF that are on some kind of permanent foundation.
Happy to talk contact me directly from the blog and we can set something up 😉
I love this little mansion!!! I especially love the quilt of The Incredible Mr. Limpet in the bathroom!!
Hey Meg!
Great call and I think you are the first to notice ;)))
My wife Sue handmade that. It’s even double sided with different pictures!
I’m with Rebecca, most small houses are taken to extreme. This place is small while still being livable. I’d love to see more places like this.
Thanks Brad! Our feelings exactly and that’s what our blog is all about. No homes on wheels for us ~ not that we judge those folks. It just doesn’t feel like a sustainable and permanent lifestyle for most. I don’t think we will change the world in well built mobile homes 😉
As an aspiring tiny house builder, i’d love to hear more about how your house was made and hear any advice you would have for someone interested in doing exactly what you did. Would you be willing to chat about your experience and plans with how this house was built?
Hey Tyler,
Thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
It’s built & designed around the materials I gathered first. Much more economical that way. Far cheaper than desiging a home with 3′ x 4′ windows and then finding out they are 4 times your budget. I have a post and video at about gathering before you build. Contact me directly through the blog if you want to chat. Always happy to “small talk” , LOL!
Thanks !
If you took out 75% of the stuff in this house, and less color it would be perfect for me. I would love this.
Some days I agree with you Wendy. Other days though I love living amongst our family heirlooms. Every piece we have tells a story to us but we know it’s way too much for many folks 😉
This is the best tiny house I’ve ever seen! And I’ve looked at a ton of them. I love how they’ve managed to integrate their love of collecting vintage memorabilia into the tiny space. If I ever build my dream tiny house, I want it to be much like this one.
Ahhh Sarah,
That’s so nice. Thanks you so much. We know our home decor is not for everyone, but we love it and that’s what counts the most. Always great to hear someone else has the same feelings 😉
I need more kitchen space. I love the idea of the small houses and I’d actually love to build and live in one but I’d need to have a larger kitchen. And kids…with two kids it would be pretty difficult to be that cramped.
Hi Chad,
I agree, with 2 kids it would be more than cramped. It will be interesting to see all the folks living in the movement tiny trailers do with kids as they grow. We don’t feel “micro” is sustainable for most folks. Has to do with where you live too. If it’s a warm climate, being outside all the time helps. That’s not the case here in Ohio.
Although it would be difficult to cook a Thanksgiving dinner here and serve everything warm, it’s amazing what Sue can cook on a 2′ counter top! Like everything else, you work around what you have and devise new ways.
That said, I am a firm believer that you can still live small but design into your needs. If you are a gourmet cook, it may be more important to have a larger kitchen and a smaller living space. We are both artists and have about a 140SF studio building not attached to our house. Electric and a small plug in heater but no water in it but it serves its’ purpose.
Watch our blog for more posts on “Designing Tiny to to Your Needs”
I like the floor plan, but the decorating style ( cottage?) is too “busy”, and too “ecclectic” for me.
After seeing so many tiny houses that are so barren looking (modern styling I guess) I am glad to see a house that looks like a HOME!
Thanks Linda Jo!
Hi Cristina,
We know it’s not for everyone and that’s fine. We could def pare down what we have and that’s ongoing but we also don’t like stark white spaces. Just personal preference and no one’s right or wrong 😉 Glad you could see beyond though and appreciate the floor plan 😉
I love the eclectic style of this cottage! It makes the space feel more open. Great layout!
Thank you Kay! 😉
I absolutely love it.
Thank you Josiah ! 😉
I love the whole tiny house concept but am restricted by local codes. I also am not interested in the 100 sq ft house with 2 children and a wife. This is a great start while i build other structures around something to tie in later to meet local codes. Great layout.
I agree Rick,
I was really lucky that we have no building codes way put here in the country. Even though I have been building and remodeling for decades, sometimes the codes are nuts. Of course everything is still built like a rock to national codes but without size restrictions, I was lucky. I would say if you got up to around 800SF, you could have a nice kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Wasn’t that long ago, kids seemed to always bunk together and it didn’t cause problems 😉
Very Mary Engelbreit. Made me smile! Happy tiny house people live here for sure….kudos!
Thanks Pamela,
That cottagey look credits mostly to my wife bu I like it too. I would simplify even a little more though but still have color 😉
I could pick out a hundred little things I like about your little house, overall…..I LOVE IT!!!!! I would love to see the house plans layout. This is the cutest ever. Thanks for sharing it. Sandra
Ahhh Sandra,
How nice! and thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom 😉
Thanks !
Love the collection of Mary planters in bedroom. I collect them too!! great house.
Hi Suzanne,
Ohh, you noticed those 🙂 Those are Sue’s. She’s always loved Mary as an iconic figure to woman more than a religious piece and has a few collected and displays them all together. Nice and calming visage.
Really enjoy the glimpse into their cozy place. As I probably will not ever live in a tiny house full time we will more than likely continue to live in a much smaller than average home. This has some fun and good ideas, along with ideas that I can make my own.
Thanks again for the peep… is a special place for sure
Hi Village Kid!
Thanks for the kind words. I agree. Unlike many of the younger folks, proselytizing about the joys of living in a 200SF camper (which we did for 6 years!), living really small is not for everyone and it will hardly change the world. We blog about living in 1000SF or less which is still really small by USA standards. We each decide for ourselves what works for us and how much we want to spend to own rooms we never use. No one is right or wrong in the size of their house and making it a home is what’s important.
I absolutely love this. I could move right in and be very happy! You did a great job creating this space for yourselves. It reminds me of the little house in “Up”…. All that’s missing are the balloons out the chimney!
Hey Gun,
If you ever come and visit, I will tie some balloons on, LOL! Thanks for the kind words 😉
I admire your energy and I love the bright decor! It does seem a lot larger than 450 sq ft and you seem to have all the necessities. My husband and I have lived in a 400 sq ft cabin for one year, six months, and 22 days. It’s like living in a motel room. We are in the process of building, but it can’t be soon enough for me. Although, I must say, small living can make you realize all the things you can do without. All my nice things are stored in the attic of the barn, but so far I’ve done without them and survived quite nicely.
I love the fact that your home is welcoming, cheerful and reflection of your life. Well done!
Hi Pipeman 1,
Honestly, we would have a larger kitchen and always planned on that, but life and choices get in the way. I think 600SF with the right layout would be doable for a couple. Small is all relative and no on is right or wrong. If you live in a box on the street, 400SF would seem a mansion but if you are downsizing from a 2500sf home into a 1000SF apartment, it may not seem very large. Love that living small for a while has made you aware of what may or may not be important for you. That’s the best we can do is become aware that an enjoyable life is not about how many possessions we can accumulate but what we do have means something more 🙂
Your cottage is so eclectic and homey. It has YOUR signature all over it – which is what makes it uniquely your own. Lovely!
Thanks Lucy!!
Cheers, Ron
I live in OHIO too.. and would love to live in this house!! Now, where exactly do they let you have this home? As they years grow closer to retirement, I certainly would love a Tiny house. Like others, I would love to see the floor plan. I like how open it looks because of the taller ceilings. Great job!
Hi Adele,
We live in central Ohio, way out in Amish country. We have no local codes here so it is much easier to build something unique. If you would like to visit sometime in warmer weather, email me directly here or through the blog.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom 😉
Thanks !
I absolutely LOVE this house–every inch of it! If you ever decide to sell it, please contact me as I want to be first in line to buy. Barring a sale, it would be awesome if you could make the floor plans available. This just POPS with color, joie de vivre and personality!
Ahhh, thank you for the kind words.
I built on the fly, but I have a simple floor plan here –
I collected all the materials to build first at auctions and discount houses and then designed around them ~ and the big boulder by the bathroom! We talk about selling and moving to a warmer place all the time but never do. We may look at renting it out for a month at a time so folks can get a feel for the reality of living small in a cool place 😉 Contact me if you would like to stop by sometime.
Thanks !
I love this house; it makes me happy! It does not even look like a tiny house. It appears to have more room than my 843 sq ft. Thanks.
Hi Patty,
Smiling is the nicest compliment anyone can pay. Thank you so much. You made my day!
The pics may be a little deceiving, but everyone who has stopped by and seen the cottage first hand says it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. That’s good and what I designed for 😉 Open as possible and lots of sun.
When I say I want to live in a tiny or small house, THIS is what I’m talking about!!! This place is insanely cute and has so much personality shining through. Great job!!
Thanks Jessica,
Love hearing such a glowing review! It is truly nothing if not filled with personality. Not for everyone but who among us is? 😉
Cheers, Ron
Wow, I love it and all the bright different colors. It is a cozy looking place and I would love to live there.
Great job.
Thanks Gail,
We may rent put by the month down the road so stay in touch. Would give folks a great feel for what living tiny with some ZAZZ is like, LOL!
I love your bathroom, the colors are courgeous. I would love to live is your home.
Thanks Deborah,
These colors are just normal for us but as evidenced by so many, I guess courageous is appropriate! Thanks for the kind words 😉
I am an empty nester and ready to downsize. I have fallen in love with tiny houses. After being a flight attendant for 12 years, I miss living in a hotel room. Your home is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. If you have an open house, I would love to visit. If you do rent out in the future, would love the idea. Have even thought about doing something like this along the Ohio.
Hi Elaine,
Thanks so much! We may have an open house this summer. Join us over at our blog or facebook and stay in touch.
Thanks for posting. This is a cool house. Great floor plan, thoughtful, and practical. The bathroom tile is gorgeous!
Thanks so much Ann!
The first words out of my mouth after seeing laying eyes on the first picture of the lot: “What kind of Heaven is this?”
Simply amazing.
Everything, from the colour, to the creativity used I designing the spaces, the chaos and clutter of a house that caters to the needs of everyday living, even the cat lounging there – this was absolutely captivating.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Someday, I’d love to live in a house with even a fraction of the life inherent in this abode
Ahhh Xaris, Thank you so much!!! Our house is filled with not only what we need and use everyday but things we love which make it a home 😉
Thanks, Ron
WOW! I must confess that it “feels” (in that virtual sorta way!) just a little bit cluttered for my personal taste in some spots, but you didn’t build it for me, now, did you? 🙂 But more important, as I was looking at the pics – more than once! – I was flooded with an overwhelming sense that you guys are just really fun people, full of personality and life, and you have the perfect house that exudes the same fun personality as I’m sure both of you do! It definitely looks like a “happy house” – almost like the home is smiling! I love your sense of whimsy, along with your ingenious sense of creativity in packing a lot of luxuries into your tiny mansion. If I were to actually *live* there, of course, the first thing I would do is clear out the clutter, so I wouldn’t feel claustrophic LOL. But on the other hand, I could enjoy *visiting* there for hours or days and feel like I had overdosed on happy pills – likely from the pleasure of your company as well as the smile-inducing ambiance of the house. Kudos to you both for a job well done. I hope you’re enjoying your space … and life! And thanks so much for sharing these pics! 🙂
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much! We may have an open house this summer but if you are ever coning through central Ohio, stop by! Email me at and we can set something up. We will need a couple days lead time so we can spruce the place up a little, LOL!
Cheers, Ron
This is the first tiny home I’ve seen that contained belongings and had personality. I love it! My goal is to have my own tiny home within e years. I’ll be using this post to convince my husband that belongings do fit. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Sabrina,
Sorry for the late response but it’s SO hard to keep up over all the “internets”, LOL! Thank you so much for the kind words. We really wanted to show true tiny living without staged photos in a sterile environment. We also want a bedroom to stand up in and real stairs instead of a ladder. We still love our house 🙂 If we can help in any way with advice on living small, let me know.
Cheers, Ron
I’m in love with this adorable little house!! Both the space as well as all the colours the interiour has!! Love the stairs!
The only thing I would change about it if I were to build one like this (and I hope to do so once I’ve found a good place to put it on 🙂 ) I would put a nice open fireplace in it. I noticed there is some sort of place created for it? Where there hangs a white heater I think? It sure would make the place even cozier! (Apologies if my sentences dont always make sense, english is not my native language :’) )
The kitchen is just the right size and immediately connected to the parlor outside which is ideal for the summer and BBQ’s with friends!
Yup, I’m in love!! Great little house!!
Hi Kit!
Thanks so much. Only problem with a fireplace in a tiny is wood storage and the ability to make it so hot inside, you need to open windows in the middle of winter. Cost for a full fireplace is expensive too unless you do it yourself. Without experience though, it may not be the best idea to lay up tons of stone, 20 feet tall on your first attempt! That said, we would love to have a real fireplace 😉
We don’t eat meat but grilled veg rocks on the back porch!!!
Cheers, Ron
This is just gorgeous. When I first did a ‘walk through’ i thought “I bet one of you is an artist”. Then I read your comments and you both are. I love what you have done and kudos for doing it mostly yourselves with a little bit of help from your friends when needed. I hope you have many happy days/months/years here.
Nerida ~ thank you so much for the kind words! Our taste is certainly not for everyone and they let us know, but it’s lovely to hear from another person who gets us. Bland and boring environments scare us to death, LOL! That said, we have parred down even more but I miss many of our bric-bracs. Now we rotate fewer out though so it makes them even more special.
I just adore this eclectic tiny house. It has warmth, character and so much charm. There is plenty of room to move. 10/10
Just the cutest I’ve ever seen! Wow!