Tiny house on wheels with outdoor bathroom/shower “shower shack” in Eastern, North Carolina. Owned and built by Andrew Odom of Tiny r(E)volution.
Tiny house on wheels in Eastern, North Carolina.
Tiny house on wheels with outdoor bathroom/shower “shower shack” in Eastern, North Carolina. Owned and built by Andrew Odom of Tiny r(E)volution.
I love this little house! The kitchen is perfect for someone like me who loves to cook and bake from scratch. If it had a bathtub it would be a five star home in my eyes!
Hello, Love your house! Is that about a 12x 20 feet set-up? I am down here in S.C. and I am looking to do something similar. Also, is that shower outside? Any info will help send me on my journey to build a house I will enjoy! Thanks! Tom