I think your right. Plus, this home is in the “House Truck” category. Unless the truck pulls the trailer. In which case this would be a rolling housing development!:-)
Thanks for taking the time to look at my site! I haven’t completely finished it yet but I am living in it. In the next few months there should be some interesting posts done that will show how we recycle shower water and are able to live off of 47 gallons of water for almost a month! Our place has enough room in the living area for a couch and chair, where most can barely squeeze a chair in for relaxation. [atinyhomecompanion.blogspot.com].
Have the admins given up on editing the site? The first picture is of some Tumbleweed, not the house truck. There have been a few of these mistakes in the last week. Isn’t someone interested in fixing them?
The first picture is wrong, I think.
I think your right. Plus, this home is in the “House Truck” category. Unless the truck pulls the trailer. In which case this would be a rolling housing development!:-)
Hey, I really like the looks of YOUR tiny house! I’m gonna go back to the beginning and read all about it.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my site! I haven’t completely finished it yet but I am living in it. In the next few months there should be some interesting posts done that will show how we recycle shower water and are able to live off of 47 gallons of water for almost a month! Our place has enough room in the living area for a couch and chair, where most can barely squeeze a chair in for relaxation. [atinyhomecompanion.blogspot.com].
Have the admins given up on editing the site? The first picture is of some Tumbleweed, not the house truck. There have been a few of these mistakes in the last week. Isn’t someone interested in fixing them?
What a great idea and project. I love it.
Whoa, dude! This build really rocks the big one! Awesome!!! :O
This is sweet! It looks like there is a good bit of headroom over the bed. Good job, it looks beautiful!
Deck plating back splashes, all-purpose carpet, love the green/natural wood exterior. A real beauty.
really like this one!!!
These pictures are messed up… two different exteriors – which is right?